Monday, July 6, 2009

Payback's a bitch muthaefffer, believe me.

I'm not good at payback. It could be a lack of maturity, or my cold German blood, but I have a hard time doing things simply to reciprocate an action. We all do things for each other in life, and while it's human nature to expect your actions will get payed back, I really don't feel its necessary to do so all the time. If you want to do it, and can do it, then OF COURSE you should do it! But I don't think its right to expect payback..or get upset if you're not payed back. Why would you even want someone to do something, or go somewhere that doesn't want to? Although I know its unrealistic and maybe selfish, we should all do what we want because we want to, and not because we feel we have to.

I definitely get roped into doing things out of obligation, but probably 60% of the time I resist. Life's too short! And if we all followed this simple rule, I think we'd be happier.

It could also totally break down our society!


  1. Oh obligation. Well, I just go by the rule where I put myself in the other person's shoes. That usually works. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, right? The golden rule?

    But I feel like it doesn't apply to whack selfish self-absorbed people and psychos. :-)

    That's my addendum to the golden rule, just so ya know.

  2. I honestly don't even remember what I wrote this about! haha. what the heck was I feeling obligated to do?? hm. I had a lot on my mind that day!

    But the golden rule is something I always try to consider in my life! Although, I never really thought about it in terms of these kinds of situations. I usually associate it with things like stealing, lying, assault, etc.

    I feel like people do things just to gain points, and aren't really sincere, and I don't like that!
