Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I hate being a Gemini

Well that's not totally true. At times I hate now! I'm very wishy washy. I guess you can say I'm a dreamer and eternal optimist. I jump from idea to idea, and I'm kinda sick of it. A positive spin would be that its good to keep your options open, and have a lot of interests but, it sucks to be so into something one day, and then lose interest, or divert that interest to something new when an idea comes along. I want to master EVERYTHING! Oh well, all I can do is keep trying.

Last night I watched a bunch of video tutorials on iphone app development. I was all about flash, and I still do want to learn it as a career, but iphone apps are where the money's at! I've never paid a single penny for a flash game, or app, but I've spent plenty (not really) on iphone apps! I think I originally gravitated towards flash because I thought it was going to be easy to work with, and while they do make it relatively easy, its basically like learning a programming language anyway. So I'm planning on taking some courses at some point this fall/winter. I also found a company that will build your iphone app idea, and share 25% of the profits with you! I might send of an idea or two and see if they have any interest. They said really hot apps can generate $10,000 A that would be $2500 for just having a cool idea.

Another Gemini trait I have that's annoying is that I'm too available, and try too hard to make things work. gotta stick to my schedule, and if it works out, it works out!

One day soon I'll write about all the wonderful gemini characteristics I have! hahah.

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