Friday, September 11, 2009

I really like the beatles, but...

..they are totally the "Kiss" of '60s rock and roll. Don't get me wrong, they are great..but I feel like a lot of the credit and accolades they get, is because they were the first to do things. Which by itself, is a big accomplishment. You definitely give them MORE credit because they took things to the next level, and inspired a generation or musicians, etc etc etc. but they sell every piece of junk they can slap a Beatles logo on! Sheesh!

Anyway, in honor of the Beatles ROCK BAND (I really think it wouldnt have happened had JL not been assasinated..) here's me singing a song they covered.


  1. I REALLY enjoyed that cover... wow. Nice, Mike. Realy. REALLY REALLY. :)

  2. Oh BTW, The Beatles are definitely not The Kiss of the 60's. The Beatles just came into the music scene during the right time and right place. They're music is definitely not original, but when you have 4 adorable Brits taking the American airwaves by storm with their pop-infused rock and roll style, how could they have NOT gained so much popularity? They're catchy tunes and licks were so easy to get into, then they did a whole lotta drugs and become even more magical than they were, lol.

    DONT COMPARE THEM TO KISS!!! hahaha <3

  3. haha. are you kidding?? I can totally see paul and john dressed up in paint and breathing fire. jk.

  4. you know, reading my reply... they kinda do sound like Kiss. HA

    get a ps3 so we can play ff14 :D except it wont be out for a while so... and i need to get one too. lols <3 miss ya mike!!!

  5. Hehe. I haven't played FF since prob the first one on the NES! Sorry I missed your comment for so long. It doesn't email me when someone replies! Miss ya too! Come back soon! Lol
