Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Denial is my enemy

I need to face things head on and eradicate problems in my life! I give in way too easily to denial. Its very juvenile to think problems will just go away on their own. I'm striving to be more proactive and search them out.

I have a lot of things I want to accomplish, and I need to start working towards them a little each day. Not much going on at work today so I'm going to work on a list of long term goals for myself. You have to dream it first, before it can ever come true! Putting it on paper will hopefully make it clear what I want out of life.

There are two goals I have that would make me very proud, and happy when I accomplish them. One, which has been a LIFETIME goal I've had for myself, is to be in exceptional shape. I've been going to the gym about 3-4 times a week for the last month or so and I can see some results starting to take shape. My workout is usually 30 minutes of cardio, preferably on the tread mill, and then I hit the machines and focus on key areas of my body like chest, abs, arms, and back. The goal would be to lose about 30lbs and keep lifting to tone up. A big part of this is my diet. While my diet is generally good, I need to cut down on my portions at dinner.

Someone asked me recently if I had hit my goal weight, which kind of shocked me! To me, I'm still far from my goal body. But realistically, I could be 3-4 months away from realizing this goal! It is attainable!

When things get me down, I try to remember that every day is a new opportunity. Gotta focus on today to make tomorrow great!

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