Tuesday, August 11, 2009

People are retarded

I saw something pretty disturbing yesterday. While riding my bike down near Exchange Pl, I stopped to take a break on one of the piers. Instead of sitting on a bench, I just stood near the railing and peered out into the river with manhattan standing tall on the other side. A few moments later a bunch of Canadian Geese come floating by and eventually take off from the water. One of the Geese can't seem to get airborn and is struggling mightily. At first I thought maybe a large fish had attacked the bird and was trying to drag him down under the water but as it turns out, it was man fcking with nature once again.

Some dueshbag had been fishing off the pier and the goose accidently got either tangled in the line, or somehow hooked by it's evilness. Now it's definitely not the guy's fault, but it just made me so mad what he did next. As the fisherman realizes what has happened he starts to REEL THE FUCKING GOOSE IN. As he comes closer to me, and closer to where the Bird is on my side of the pier he keeps reeling and reeling and pulling and pulling as if he just caught a tuna. I say to the guy "Are you trying to bring the goose up on the pier?? I think you're going to have to cut your line. Those things are really heavy." He ignored me and kept reeling and reeling. I say it again, and he says "yeah but I'll lose my weight and hook if I cut the line."

After a while he realizes its retarded, but he doesn't cut the line. I really wanted to call the fucking cops because I think its illegal to harm Canadian Geese (which is why they are so annoying and think they can go whereever they please.). Finally after I said it again that he's going to have to cut his line, and I mention that it's illegal to hurt these Geese, he cuts his line and storms off. One of his two bratty kids say "Hope you're happy now, Ducky."

People are retarded. Seriously, man! You really think your weight and hook is more important than hurting another living thing?? But I guess when you think about it, he was there to catch fish so I shouldn't be surprised at his attitude.

In other news, I am really loosing my Patience for people and their flawed personalities. Mannn everything is getting on my nerves today. I'm in a pretty shitty mood! X__x


  1. flawed personalities are inevitable when dealing with humans. can't berate a one for their misgivings. hehe

    though, the dude with the geese is a 'tard. and he had his kids with him so therefore he's teaching them how to be completely disrespectful to nature and its creatures.

    the futile cycle continues and more shitty personalities will flourish. oh humanity...

  2. heh. I really don't remember what I meant by flawed personalities, because god knows I have plenty! but I think someone asked me to do something they had no right to ask me anymore? i dunno. lol. couldn't have been that bad if I completely forgot it!
