Monday, August 10, 2009


Had a fairly uneventful few days, but also productive! I biked everyday over the weekend, and was good at controlling my diet (except last night..I ate like crazy after Barnes and Nobles). Saw some results from the last week or so and actually lost about 4lbs! It's hard to judge because my stupid weight flucuates so much day to day. Seriously on saturday morn I was 238, and today the scale said 241. But last week I was consistantly like 244, so who knows! lol.

The good news is I didnt really kill myself the last week or so, so If I can just continue with my "program," the end of august should be realistic to hit my goal. Still have to come up with a reward if I make 20lbs..hmm.

On Saturday I went to The Lamp Post in jersey city to see my friend's band. What a fiasco! The place is, first of all, a dump. The crowd is mostly dirty hipsters and for whatever reason, on this particular night, it was dirty hillbilly hipsters! So the band that followed Snowball37 apparently got their panties in a bunch because they wanted to play 2nd, instead of 3rd. A few songs into the set, they start booing, and heckling my friend's band. It was pretty awesome to see how Dave, sb37's singer reacted to them. Among other things he said "your mother sucks! and F*ck you" to the inbred assholes. I really did think a fight was going to break out, and I was actually prepared.

I don't know the band's name, but these guys were among the biggest dueshbags i've ever encountered. So finally Snowball finishes their set, and of course the hecklers don't have shit to say once the music stops. All of a sudden they were nice guys! Talk about no talent, no class, and no shame! Once you hear how boring and lame their music was, you wonder where they get the balls to boo anyone. They were probably one of the worst bands I've ever heard.

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