Monday, August 17, 2009

No-win situations

You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't! I find myself on both sides of social situations like this all the time, and am pretty bad at navigating their tricky waters.

From one side, its hard to accept things when you think you know what's "really" going on behind people's decisions. You feel like you're being lied to, even if the other person is doing so to "protect you." From the other side, you feel like there's no way to express the truth, without offending the other person, so you take the path of either making up an excuse, or emphasising something safe that's actually true, but not really THE reason. All of these social games we play with each other seem so pointless on paper, but it's possible that many relationships would fall to pieces without them.

Depending on the person, and the situation, I try to be as real as possible. I feel people will respect your decisions more, if they know the real information behind them, even if it's unpleasant to hear. But for me, mostly I just don't like lying, and would rather people think of me as an asshole, than someone that is afraid to be real, or makes excuses.

Also, most people will believe what they THINK is going on, even if a totally plausible and realistic excuse is what's the point anyway? It sucks even worse when you give the real reason, and people STILL BELIEVE their version of the truth!

All in all, I think we should all move back into caves, and shun each other totally. Its too much work to keep all of this bullshit running! lol.


  1. i left a really long ass comment last night. DID YOU DELETE IT!?

  2. haha. of course not!!! it must not have taken cuz i only got one email saying someone responded and it was this message! rewrite it plx? :)

  3. I can't remember the pearls of wisdom I laid on here. It's why I came back to see what it was!! lol! Oh well... it's out there in the universe somewhere.
